Friday, April 24, 2015

Photoshop Final

Photoshop Final

Difficulty: ?/10

It's finals week and we're all studying hard. As the school year comes to an end, so does this blog, but not without its own final.
"What? A final?"
Yeah, a final. A test. A test going over things you should have learned from this website.
"But your blog is about tutorials!"
Yeah, it is. It's about tutorials to teach you, and the best way to make sure they've taught you is a test, this test. So here it is:
"Woah? What is this thing?! It's crazy! It's ugly! This isn't a pretty picture!"
You're darn right it's ugly. But it's your final. Right click the picture and save the image. Here are the instructions to fill out and complete this.
Box 1: Edit this face into a funny, ugly face.
Box 2: Remove the "red eye" from this photo.
Box 3: Fill in this box with a pattern.
Box 4: Type in the word Sun but have it look like the sun.
Box 5: Remove the Moon.
Box 6: Use a tool to find out which color 1 matches. (No guessing, show your work!)

Now, the answers! No cheating, only open this AFTER you completed the final.

Answer Key

If you can answer all of these correctly, you have learned a lot from this blog, and I hope it went well! Of course your answers won't be the exact same for some of these, but your picture should be somewhat similar. 

Since this blog is coming to an end, here are two more tutorial sites that offer tons of tutorials:

Here and here.

Thanks for reading this blog, and like always, comment with any questions or comments!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Photoshop vs Gimp

Photoshop VS. Gimp

(And which is best for you)

Today instead of a tutorial I'm going to be talking about Photoshop and Gimp, which one I think is best, and which is best for you.

First, take a look at each of their websites.

I'm sure by now you can assume what these are. Photoshop and Gimp are both photo editing software, just different brands. And we all know different brands will offer you different things. The major difference is that Gimp is 100% free while Photoshop is not.

Personal Favorite

I'm sure as most of you can guess, I prefer Photoshop. But why? I prefer Photoshop because I believe it is much much more polished, it offers a variety of different features, like 3D modeling, animating, and more. Look at all of my other posts to see what Photoshop looks like. Now here is what Gimp looks like:
See what I mean by less polished?
While I understand that Gimp is less costly than Photoshop, it has it's reasons. You pay for what you get in Photoshop. It's $10 a month and it's worth the payment for the features it adds. But this doesn't mean it's best for you. This is just my preference.

Which One Should You Get?

There are only two reasons you should get Gimp over Photoshop. Intentions and money. If you plan to just edit a couple of photos and be done, Gimp is for you. It may not have everything Photoshop, but it also doesn't cost $10 a month. If you plan on editing lots of photos, are serious about photo editing, and can make $10 a month, I'd say most definitely go for Photoshop.

As always, if you have any comments, questions, or counter-arguments in this case, comment below!

Friday, April 10, 2015

How to Remove Red Eye

How to Remove Red Eye

Difficulty: (1/10)

While "red eye" may not be a common problem nowadays, it's still nice to know how to remove it if the situation ever arises.
To learn more about red eye and what causes it, you can read this article.

Now, the first step to fixing a picture with red eye is getting a picture with red eye. I'll be using this picture:
Next go over to this band aid looking tool:
and hold it down and select the "Fix Red Eye" tool.
Now click and drag over each eye on at a time multiple times like so:
Do this multiple times until the eyes look normal like this:
While this tool may not be perfect, you can look at my past tutorials on trying to find out ways to fix this!
For more tips or tricks on fixing red eye, check out this tutorial.
Comment with any questions or comments! Thank you!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Make Your Own Pattern

Make Your Very Own Pattern

Patterns are everywhere! They're in your wallpaper, your cereal, your shirt, and more! They even help kids learn. While I may not be talking about that kind of pattern, there is no denying that patterns are amazing and you want to make your own, no questions asked. So here we go, making your own pattern!
First, make a new image. Your pattern will most likely be small so set your image to something small like mine is at(15x15 pixels):
Now you're going to create whatever you want your pattern to be. When drawing with such a small image, you'll want to use the pencil tool. It looks like this:
Now, when you make a pattern I think it's best to leave lots of blank area. When you use a pattern tool it fills a whole entire image/selection with that area. If you don't leave much blank area, it'll look like one big mixed together blob.
Here is an example of a picture I WOULDN'T use as a pattern template:
Here's an example of a picture I WOULD use as a pattern template:
Notice how much extra blank there is? This will allow for more of the background of the patterned on item to be visible.
Next, use the magic wand tool to select the white areas and delete them. If you can't delete them look at your layers and make sure there isn't a lock on your layer. If there is, click it to remove it. You should have this:
If deleting some of the white area fades the color of your pattern template, recolor it.
Next, select the whole image by pushing Ctrl + A. Then, push image, create pattern, and name it whatever you want. The box should look like this:
Now open up whatever you want to put your pattern on. I will be using a blank canvas just for example purposes.
Go to the bucket tool that looks just like this bucket:
Go to this box:
and set it to pattern. Now, select the pattern you just made so it shows it in this box:
Finally, with your bucket tool selected, click on your image wherever you want! Here is my final result:
And there you go! You can start patternizing any image you want!
If I missed something or you want to check out a step more in-depth, you can check this tutorial also!
Like always, comment with any questions or anything at all really. Thanks!