Friday, February 13, 2015

Content-Aware Fill Tool Tutorial

Content-Aware Fill Tool Tutorial

Difficulty: 3/10

Oh God, not again. You had the perfect picture set up. A pristine table, waiting for a picture to be taken of it, when out of no where a Dr.Pepper bottle pops up and ruins the whole picture! What do you do? Take another picture? I mean, if you want to go the lame way, go ahead. But the easy and fun way is to Photoshop it out.
The content-aware fill tool can be one of the most useful tools in Photoshop. It is used to remove objects from a picture leaving a background based off the content around it. It’s extremely simple but does not always work with 100% success or exactly how you want it. Here’s how we do it.
 First, start with the image you want to edit. For this demonstration I’ll be removing this Dr.Pepper, it’s extremely distracting the viewers from this fine table.
 Select the Polygonal Lasso tool and enclose the bottle like so:
 Next, push shift + F5 to open the Fill window. Set Use to Content-Aware and leave the rest of the settings at default.
 Push OK and you should be left with this:
 Notice you still have a little bit of shadow left. You have two options. You can use the paintbrush tool to just paint over it, or you can attempt to use the Content-Aware fill tool again. We’ll be doing the second option. Again, use the Polygonal Lasso tool to select the shadow area like so:
 Push Shift F5 again and push OK and you should be left with your final image, the sodaless table!
And there we go! It's just as if there was never a Dr.Pepper in the first place. So next time you're going to be lame and retake the picture just remember, don't retake the picture, just Photoshop it out! 
If you're having some issues you can check out this blog and see if it soles any problems.
Now remember, Photoshop won't magically fix all pictures like above, a lot of people have problems with it, like this user here: Error!

If you would like to make a formal complaint to Dr.Pepper for their soda bottle's habit of ruining pictures, feel free to do so here: Complain!
Please comment with any problems or questions. Thank you!


  1. Wow! That is so cool! It's like the bottle was never there! I really like how you went step by step to explain how to Photoshop correctly. I also appreciate the fact that you gave a link to be able to complain to the terrible company of Dr. Pepper/Seven Up Inc. However, does this Photoshop feature work on every object? For example, if I wanted to Photoshop a picture of myself to look jacked, would this still work with a multicolored background? Thanks, and go Coca-Cola!

  2. Haha, thank you Jeremiah!
    That depends. If you're looking to edit something out like your current arms(which I'm sure are already pretty "jacked"), it may work but like I said, the Content-Aware fill tool isn't perfect and may leave some marks behind. If you have another question feel free to reply to this!
