Friday, April 10, 2015

How to Remove Red Eye

How to Remove Red Eye

Difficulty: (1/10)

While "red eye" may not be a common problem nowadays, it's still nice to know how to remove it if the situation ever arises.
To learn more about red eye and what causes it, you can read this article.

Now, the first step to fixing a picture with red eye is getting a picture with red eye. I'll be using this picture:
Next go over to this band aid looking tool:
and hold it down and select the "Fix Red Eye" tool.
Now click and drag over each eye on at a time multiple times like so:
Do this multiple times until the eyes look normal like this:
While this tool may not be perfect, you can look at my past tutorials on trying to find out ways to fix this!
For more tips or tricks on fixing red eye, check out this tutorial.
Comment with any questions or comments! Thank you!


  1. I like it. Simple and to the point! Just like this comment. Enjoyed your other posts as well. Nice visuals and simple explanations.

    1. Thank you, that's the easiest way for people to learn, I think.
